This tab allows managing sizes of various True Launch Bar objects.
The greatest width (in pixels) menus may have. True Launch Bar will limit the menu width with this value. If the menu text does not fit in this width, it will be cropped and appended with the omission.
The greatest height in pixels the menus may have. True Launch Bar will limit the menu height with this value. If you set this value to zero, True Launch Bar will limit the menu height by the resolution of your screen. If all menu items do not fit in this height or the screen resolution, depending on the selected view mode, True Launch Bar will draw additional columns and/or show the scrollers and/or the scrollbar.
You can limit the greatest width of a button with text that may appear on the toolbar. Set the width limitation for large and small buttons separately. Text will appear below the button for the large buttons; for the small buttons, text will appear on the right of the icon.
Margin (in pixels) on buttons’ left and on the right edges. This option can be enabled only with the “Icons only” or “Icons with text” view mode.